“Secrets of the Sea in 50 Questions” is the book of a project that aims to introduce the sea life to children to have them love and respect it.

This book includes the answers to 50 different questions that will intrigue every child, even adults, along with my underwater photographs. Why is the sea water salty? Do fish drink water? Do fish sleep? How many sharks do we kill a year and why? Do fish have ears? Which creature has the largest eyes in the world? Why is the sea blue? Do fish have hair? Is there any doctor under the water? How do fish swim? Why do lobsters migrate? Do fish speak? Do squids live on the next generations by dying? What is the biggest fish in the world? Why does not anemone poison the anemonefish? Which male sea creature gives birth? These are few of the interesting questions that you will find in this special book.

This book is published in Turkish, English, German and Russian. It is not sold at the bookstores, but can be ordered online at the project’s website www.denizinsirlari.org. When you order one book for yourself,  you can order at least 2 books for the children in Eastern Anatolia. At a cost of 5 TL per book, children who have never seen the sea before will be informed, reading the book that has come to them for free, and begin to understand the sea. The book consists of 128 pages at the size of 16 x 23 cm.

Author: Alptekin Baloglu | Published and Printed By: A4 Ofset

Book Price: TL 15 (VAT included)
To order from the campaigne website: denizinsirlari.org
When you buy 1 book TL15  + 2 books to be sent to the children who have not seen the sea.
To order, please write us:
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